Middle School Science
Click the tabs to view the curriculum by grade/class.
6th Grade
6th Grade Science
Click the + to expand the tab.
- Unit 1: Nature & Inquiry of Science
- Unit 2: Forces and Motion
- Unit 3: The Structures, Properties and Interactions of Matter
- Unit 4: From Cells to Organisms
- Unit 5: Earth’s Structure & Place in the Universe
Unit 1: Nature & Inquiry of Science
Unit 2: Forces and Motion
Unit 3: The Structures, Properties and Interactions of Matter
Unit 4: From Cells to Organisms
Unit 5: Earth’s Structure & Place in the Universe
7th Grade
7th Grade Science
Click the + to expand the tab.
- Unit 1: Nature & Inquiry of Science
- Unit 2: Biochemistry
- Unit 3: Cell Division and Reproduction
- Unit 4: Genetics
- Unit 5: Earth’s History & Biological Evolution
- Unit 6: Ecosystem Interactions
- Unit 7: Energy
Unit 1: Nature & Inquiry of Science
Unit 2: Biochemistry
Unit 3: Cell Division and Reproduction
Unit 4: Genetics
Unit 5: Earth’s History & Biological Evolution
Unit 6: Ecosystem Interactions
Unit 7: Energy
8th Grade
8th Grade Science
Click the + to expand the tab.
- Unit 1: Nature & Inquiry of Science
- Unit 2: Earth’s Composition
- Unit 3: Earth’s Processes
- Unit 4: Earth’s Water
- Unit 5: Weather Factors
- Unit 6: Weather Forecasting
- Unit 7: Earth, Moon, Sun System
- Unit 8: Deep Space
- Unit 9: Environmental Science