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Classroom Music

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What are we doing this year?


See you soon and keep singing and practicing!

6th Grade

  • Reading, composing, & performing rhythms on percussion instruments

  • Reading, composing, & performing melodies on piano keyboards

  • Exploring American Music through singing, performing, listening, and composing

  • Listening to & describing music from around the world from various time periods

7th Grade

  • Reading, composing, & performing rhythms on percussion instruments

  • Reading, composing, & performing melodies & chords on piano keyboards

  • Reading & performing melodies & chords on the guitars
  • Exploring Broadway musical theatre & opera through singing, performing, listening, and composing

  • Listening to & describing music from around the world from various time periods   

8th Grade

  • Reading, composing, & performing rhythms on percussion instruments

  • Reading, composing, and performing various songs on the piano keyboards

  • Reading & performing the 12-Bar Blues chord progression and improvising blues melodies on the guitars
  • Listening to & describing music from around the world from various time periods