Nurse's Corner
Central Dauphin East Middle School Health Room
Phone: (717) 545-4709, ext. 73351
Fax: (717) 704-8494
School health services in Central Dauphin School District are organized and developed in accordance with the School Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the health needs of school children in the district. The over-all purpose of health services is attainment of optimum health for all children through joint efforts of the home, school and the community.
Our school has a health program that is designed to improve, protect and promote the health status of each child. The goal of our office is to maintain and promote a healthy learning environment for the children, and to teach them to make proper decisions to ensure life-long health. We provide yearly screenings, health counseling, classroom teaching, and emergency and sick care for your children.
Please take a moment to review a few of the ways that you can help assist us in maintaining a healthy environment for students and staff:
- Please do not send your child to school sick and ask that they "just try it." Just "trying it" potentially infects others. Always keep your child at home if a temperature and/or vomiting is present. Temperatures should be normal (less than 100.0 degrees without fever-reducing medicine) for 24 hours before he or she returns to school.
- Please notify the school nurse if your child develops a communicable disease or condition.
- If your child requires the use of the elevators, a note from the physician stating the need to use the elevator and for what period of time is required.
- Any medication, including over-the-counter medicines, administered at school MUST have a doctor's order. Please refer to our school calendar for the medication policy.
- Non-medicated cough drops may be carried by students in middle school. No special note is required.
We look forward to a healthy and successful school year. Please feel free to contact any one of us at the school if you have any questions.