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Helpful Hints

Please take some time to review just a few of the ways you can help ensure a healthy learning environment for students and staff.

  • Please keep you child home if an elevated temperature and/or vomiting is present.  Temperature should be normal(less than 100 degrees F without fever reducing medicine) for 24 hours before he or she returns to school.
  • Please notify the school nurse if you child develops a communicable disease or condition(chicken pox, head lice, impetigo, pink eye, ring worm, etc.,)
  • Please keep all phone numbers(home, work, cell, emergency) current with the school office.
  • Please notify the school nurse if you child has sustained any injuries and requires a gym excuse or use of crutches or special equipment in school.
  • Please encourage your child to dress appropriately for the season and/or weather.
  • Please encourage your child to eat a nutritional breakfast every day.  It helps them learn better.
  • Any medication administered at school MUST have a physician's written order.  This includes prescription, non prescription(i.e. Tylenol, Advil), and topical medications.
  • Anticipate your child's needs and have the appropriate medication in place with a physician's note.
  • Treat minor symptoms at home before sending your child to school.
  • Be thorough and accurate each year when completing health survey.
  • Communicate all health concerns with the nurse.

Thank you for your help!