Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Who are the members of the SAP team?
A. The SAP is coordinated by a group of concerned members of the professional staff who have received training in recognizing behaviors which inhibit educational growth. The group is referred to as a Core Team.
Q. How does my child become involved in the program?
A. Referrals can be made by the school staff, a student’s parent or guardian, peers, or by the students themselves.
Q. What happens after my child has been referred to the SAP team?
A. Once a referral has been made, the SAP team collects information from other members of the staff who have contact with the student. The SAP team, based upon all information that has been received, contacts the parent/guardian. The SAP team will request that you sign a permission form for your child to become involved in the program. Once you and your child sign, the SAP team will begin to work with you and your child. If you do not sign the permission form, the SAP team will not become involved. Participation is voluntary. However, violation of the district drug and alcohol policy may require an automatic referral.
Q. What procedure is followed after a referral is made?
A. Once a referral has been made, the Core Team collects information from other members of the staff who have contact with the student. An interview is conducted with the student after receiving written permission from the student’s parent/guardian. The Core Team, based upon all information that has been received, contacts the parent/guardian to present recommendations. The Core Team continues to monitor the student, provide support for that student and evaluate the recommendations that were made.
Q. What is the Student Assistance Program’s policy regarding confidentiality?
A. SAP records are confidential. They are not to be filed with school records. Federal law prohibits the disclosure of drug and alcohol assessment results without written permission of the student.